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To improve the economic vitality of the area we serve, and maintain a safe, clean, aesthetically pleasing, and culturally distinct environment that reflects it's historic.

City of Chicago


Small Business Center​​City of Chicago
311 City Services
City of Chicago

What We Do

Special Service Area 71 (SSA) works to make the Roseland business corridor  a neighborhood where people wish to live, linger, and long to return. SSA's are a funding mechanism to raise money for services to a designated mixed-use area through a property tax levy, in order to supplement City services. The Calumet Area Industrial Commission is the Sole Service Provider for SSA 71, which was established in  January 01, 2017.  It manages SSA-funded programs under the oversight of the SSA 71 Board of Commissioners. SSA 71 Commission meetings are open to the public. 


SSA 71's services include:


  • Maintaining clean and attractive sidewalks

  • Enhancing the neighborhood's streets with landscaping

  • Facade Improvement Program

  • Business recruitment and vacancy tracking

  • Holiday decorations

  • Community events and programming

Call Us:


1000 E 111th St

Chicago, IL 60628

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